Concussions occur every year, half go unreported or undetected.
of individuals who suffered a concussion have reported persistent post-concussion symptoms.
A delay in specialized Concussion treatment can increase the risk of a prolonged injury recovery and the development of adverse Concussion outcomes.
Receiving a referral to a Concussion specialist from a primary care physician is associated with a delay in specialized Concussion care.
Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms:
Life altering, and functionally debilitating symptoms that can persist for years following a Concussion.
These symptoms include:
neck pain
balance issues
brain fog
memory difficulties
sleep dysfunction
visual difficulties
Mental Health Impact: Concussions can increase the risk for anxiety and depression, and these symptoms can remain for prolonged periods of time.
Academic and Athletic Impact: Student - athletes with a concussion can miss more school and game days, and often experience detrimental academic performance.
Dementia: Concussions can increase the risk for dementia, such as Alzheimer's Disease and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).
Increases the speed of Concussion recovery
Decreases the risk of adverse Concussion outcomes
Minimizes academic, athletic, and functional disruptions following a concussion
Unprecedented, rapid access to concussion specialists
Faster diagnosis leading to expedited treatment for your brain injury
Shown to be equivocal to in-person concussion care
Convenient care from the comfort of your home
Ground-Breaking Access to Concussion Specialists
Personalized Comprehensive Concussion Care
Group Concussion Care Coverage for Organizations
I know firsthand the importance of protecting brain health. This service can be a gamechanger for safeguarding the futures of our youth and professional athletes.
CEO of Concussion Legacy Foundation,Neuroscientist, Former Pro Wrestler
Timely evaluation and treatment by a concussion specialist leads to better outcomes. Early intervention is key to protecting brain health, accelerating recovery, and preventing longer term disability. Telehealth concussion care is an excellent means by which to achieve this early intervention.
UCLA Assistant Professor of TBI and Neurobehavioral Neurology
Looking back on my football career, I wish I had access to something like this at every stage. Knowing I had expert concussion care on demand would have given me a greater sense of security, knowing my brain and future were protected.
Former NFL Professional Football Player Tight End